Office Manager / General Affairs/ HR (경영지원, 총무, 인사)

The Office Manager will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the company- paperwork flow, staffing, and basic accounting. Interact as liaison with HQ, local governmental agencies, tax/accounting agent, and community representatives. Continually analyze and work on all processes, develop and implement individual and organizational performance improvement initiatives.

Job Responsibilities

  • 회계 및 경리, 일반 사무, 전화 응대, 관공서 업무, 기타
  • 사내 구매 건에 대한 예산 검토 및 수립
  • 서버/네트워크 장비 및 서비스/용역/개발 건에 대한 구매
  • 임대 / 내부 시설물 관리
  • 급여관리 / 4대보험 / 법인카드 등 비용 마감
  • 지로 수납 및 정리 / 전자세금계산서 확인 및 정리
  • 비품 구매 / 관리 / 우편물 수발 / 사무실 유지관리
  • 마케팅 업무 지원(필요시)
  • 파일, 서신, 절차 및 기타 자료의 유지 관리 및 감독
  • 임직원 관련 서류 유지 / 관리
  • 사무실 보수 일정 관리 및 진행
  • 영문 이메일 작성, 문서 편집
  • 계약서 및 기밀 서류 관리
  • 근로기준법에 의거한 사내 인사 규정 이해 및 적용
  • 신규 특수목적법인 설립 지원 및 유지 관리


  • Accounting, Invoice control, general affairs, document preparation, telephone correspondence, government office work, etc.
  • Review and establish budget for in-house purchases
  • Internal facility management
  • Keep track of salary / pension / insurances / corporate expenses
  • Purchasing / managing Equipment / Mail / Office Maintenance
  • Create simple emails and edit documents
  • Organize and oversee maintenance of files, correspondence, policies and procedures and other materials in accordance with document retention policy
  • Maintain accurate records for all Accounts Receivable (including collections) and payroll; process items for corporate accounting function
  • Ensure operation of all office equipment by scheduling preventive maintenance and coordinating any repairs
  • Ensure treating confidential document well such as contract and personal information
  • Understand and implement the HR relevant policies according to the Korean Labor Standards Act


  • You are fluent in English and Korean
  • Preferably completed your studies of business administration or similar. Successfully you have already gained professional experience and you are familiar with the Korean regulatory framework.
  • You are an assertive character, open-minded and have proofed to react flexible to different challenges.
  • Your ability to work independently does not contradict team spirit.
  • You have a self-confident appearance, a convincing way to deal with people and strong inter-cultural communication skills round off your profile.
  • You are familiar with MS office products.